How Often Should You Use Que Bella Beauty Face Masks

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One question that we get asked quite frequently, is how often Que Bella Beauty face masks should be used. This is a very valid question, as it is possible to spend too much time on your skin which can result in making it more prone to breakouts, rather than helping keep it nourished and glowing. We’ve split this post down into 3 categories: mud masks, exfoliators and peel-off masks, as each type of product is so different. Please note that these are suggestions, everyone’s skin is different, so please only use this advice as advisory.

Mud Masks

Use a facial mud mask once or twice a week. It is not recommended to use a mud mask more often that this, as it can draw out all the natural oil in your face which in turn will cause your skin to overproduce oil, more than normal. It’s worth spending time to find the right mud mask for you. pore minimizing Try the Que Bella Pore Minimizing T-Zone or Full Facial Mud Mask for a refreshed, smooth sensation.


Most beauty experts recommend to exfoliate once a week. Exfoliating too often can damage the PH level of your skin and actually make your skin look dry and flaky. Also, be sure to use an exfoliator specifically formulated for the face. Body exfoliators can be too abrasive and risk damaging the skin. cherryTry the Que Bella Cherry & Apricot Exfoliating Cleanser for a fresh, glowing complexion.

Peel-Off Masks

Peel-off masks can generally be used on any skin type. Ideally they can be used twice a week with a four day gap in between. It is essential to leave the skin free of masks during this time, as this is how long it takes for new skin cell generation.


Try the Que Bella Papaya Peel-off Mask for smoother, more luminous skin. We hope this helped, but if you have any questions be sure to let us know! qb signature blog

References –,-Steam-and-Use-Face-Masks ,

2 thoughts on “How Often Should You Use Que Bella Beauty Face Masks

    […] skin, do you know really how to use them. We’ve previously looked at how to apply masks and how often to use face masks, but in this post we focus on the best time of day to use […]


    janetangvoss said:
    December 21, 2016 at 1:55 am

    How many uses per packet? Should I use all of the product from one packet or make multiple uses from one?
    I’m sure some people feel there is enough product in one packet to have multiple uses, but I want to be using the most effective method. Thanks!


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